Archive for February, 2012

Bolton Valley | The Storm of the Year

You could stop at any given moment during the day on Sunday and hear nothing but hoots and screams of joy. After two full days of wind hold on their summit lifts, Sunday brought light winds under bluebird skies. The perfect day, 30″ of light blower powder, sun and good company. We will continue to sort through photos and video and release them throughout the week. Here is a start.

Thanks to Bolton Patrol for being awesome, also Brett and Jenny Walker, Jason Plouffe, Luke Ingram, Ryan Flynn, Nick Wilkins and Drew for being our models for the weekend.

Nick Wilkins – Bolton Valley Park Manager getting it done. Photo: Lucas Van Oss

Brett Walker slaying pillows inbounds – two days after the storm.

Luke Ingram – unfortunately this one has soft focus because I’m incompetent, crushing it.

Ryan Denning – Photo: Lucas Van Oss

Nick Wilkins – Nosebutter 360 – how’s that feature?

Lucas is 6’3, just for a reference point. This photo is awesome…crisp and focused all the way into his face.

That’s it for now, stay tuned!

Spring Showcase

It’s been one hell of a boring winter here in the Northeast, no waves and no snow. Keeping our eye on the possibility of a big dump, forecasted to be the largest storm of the season so far.
Keep your eye on the storm at

In the downtime I’ve had lately, I decided to put together a showcase reel of my most recent work. A lot of the surfing content is from the fall but I’ve got some Bolton mixed in as well as some Dunfee shenanigans, some Danny Miller Memorial Bonfire video and some Christine’s Crossing stuff. Please watch in HD — feel free to like, share, comment, etc…Thanks for checking us out!

Keeping our fingers crossed for this weekend’s storm, we really need it.

VeeTee BC | 2.13.12

This past Sunday I headed up to Bolton Valley once again, this time with my longtime friend Ryan Flynn. We suited up in the balmy 0 degree weather, we packed up our now slushy PBR’s & started the trek upwards. We crushed the skin to the view in about 40 minutes thanks to Ryan’s pace. Our mission was mainly recon, to scope lines for the next storm, although we’re not holding our breath. The turns were great, but after being plagued by slipping skins and a looming 3 hour drive home – we made the most of our last decent and headed south.

I spent the last couple days up at Cannon Mountain helping teach some kids from Belfast, Ireland how to crush it like a local. The basics were covered: callouts, pole whacking, radness yells, etc.

Sunset over North Hampton Beach | February 7, 2012

VT Backcountry | 2-6-12

Another amazing day in the BC, 5-8″ of new snow on top of the ice layer. The skin was pretty tough, especially on the way out. Coverage was good up high but we really need a couple heavy hitting storms to cover up the tops of the undergrowth. Keeping my fingers crossed, do yourself a favor….stop skiing 93 and head up to Bolton Valley!

Below: Andrew Hale, hours outside of the resort boundary.

Bolton Valley | January 30th, 2012

More powder hunting in VT, thanks to AJ over at He forecasted 3-6 and was spot on, one of the best days of the season so far….it’s Feb. and I still have yet to ride on a chair lift, pretty scary.